18 Hour Course
3 days 6hrs per day, recommended min 18hrs previous experience, driving independently and familiar with certain manoeuvres.

24 Hour Course
4 days 6hrs per day, recommended 15-20hrs previous experience, driving semi-independently and introduced to certain manoeuvres.

30 Hour Course
5 days 6hrs per day, recommended 10hrs previous experience, familiar with car controls and junctions and a manoeuvre junctions.

36 Hour Course
6 Days 6 hours Per Day, recommended for the complete novice, the average person who learns co-ordination skills reasonably well.

42 Hour Course
7 Day Course 6 hours per day,designed for individuals with no experience behind the wheel providing more time to build driver confidence.

48 Hour Course
8 Day Course 6hrs per day want to learn at a relaxed pace, you can do it over more days and give yourself more preparation time for your driving test.

12 Hour Retest Course
Recently failed a driving test but feeling confident then 6 hours over two days is the course for you.

6 Hour Retest Course
You failed a driving test 1 serious fault only good overall standard of driving and need a driving test quickly.

6 Hour Extended test
Need to raise your driving standard and take an extended test. Waiting times may be longer.